Library Media Specialist

The mission of the Thurgood Marshall Middle School Library Media Center is to provide students with a friendly, instructional environment that enhances knowledge; to provide students with the opportunity to improve reading skills, computer skills, and research skills; to ensure that students have access to the Internet and Alabama Virtual Library; to provide students with activities that enhance classroom instruction; and to motivate students to become lifelong learners.
The mission of the Thurgood Marshall Middle School Library Media Center is to provide students with a friendly, instructional environment that enhances knowledge; to provide students with the opportunity to improve reading skills, computer skills, and research skills; to ensure that students have access to the Internet and Alabama Virtual Library; to provide students with activities that enhance classroom instruction; and to motivate students to become lifelong learners The Conecuh County Schools' Library Media Program seeks to create a 21st Century environment that promotes learning for all students by providing equitable access to information, teaching information literacy skills, and encouraging lifelong learning. The library media center strives to be a center of collaborative learning that produces creative students who have an appreciation of literature, critical thinking skills, and a respect for others and self.
Our library is a safe space for all learners. To keep our space safe, students will follow appropriate library etiquette.
These include, but are not limited to:
- Enter calmly and quietly
- Use all library materials as intended (no rough-housing, playing on or with materials, or misusing library furniture)
- Keep our safe space clean - clean up after yourself, make sure all trash makes it to the trash can
- No eating or drinking in the library space
- Be respectful to yourself and to others